Year End Giving

Dear Morning Star Family and Friends, 

Thank you so much for your faithful generosity through this challenging year. Despite the obstacles, we have seen God at work in our city and around the world. If you want to check out some highlights of what Morning Star has been up to this past year, please click here to view our Impact Report. It is so encouraging to see how God has used us!   

As 2021 comes to an end, we invite you to participate with a year-end financial gift. We could use your help! Many of you are aware that we have been falling behind financially this past year (read our latest financial update here). We’re trying to make up some of the shortfall in the final week of the year. Strong year-end giving is important to set the course for what we believe God wants to accomplish in 2022 as we lead people to pursue a Jesus-first life. Thank you for prayerfully considering a year-end gift . . . and a very special thank you to those who have already participated. 

If you are being led to give, keep in mind that you have until 11:59 pm this Friday, December 31, in order for your gifts to count as 2021 charitable contributions. You can give online by clicking here. You can also drop your donation in the secure dropbox at the church offices. If you choose to mail your donation, just be sure it’s postmarked no later than December 31. Please note that Morning Star’s offices will be closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s, but we will be checking the mail daily! 

If you have questions or need assistance, please email me ( or Candy, our Financial Director (

Thank you for your commitment to gospel work at and through Morning Star. We love serving Him with you and can’t wait for what God has for us in 2022!

Happy New Year! Jesus first—every moment, in everything.

John Jaskilka

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