Volunteers needed in MStar Kids!

MStar Family,

We’re sitting at a pivotal moment within MStar Kids. We have a growing number of families that are walking through the doors on a Sunday morning. On average we have 113 kids in classes each Sunday. It’s an amazing avenue of ministry that we get to be a part of. 

Although we have a growing number of kids attending we do not have an adequate number of adult volunteers to consistently provide the same classes for babies-5th grade on a weekly basis. 

It is our heart’s desire that each and every kid that attends Morning Star would know that Jesus loves them and wants a relationship with them. We are a relational ministry. One huge way we can be relational is by consistent faces in the Kids classes. 

Here’s where you come in!
I’m asking for 6 adults at each service to be willing to engage with kids on a weekly basis. Those 6 spots have a variety of roles from telling the story, to leading a small group or even just playing blocks with a 3 year old. Regardless, I’m asking for 6 adults at each service to take part in leading Kids to pursue a Jesus-first life.

Our classes are broken up into the following age groups: 6 weeks-23 months, 2-3 year old’s, 4-6 year old’s, 1st-3rd grade, 4th-5th grade.

Starting NOW! Please email me with your interest and I’ll get you plugged as soon as this Sunday! 



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June 24-27, 2024


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