Serve – Clean Team

Clean team

We want to make sure our facilities are always ready to accommodate all the people coming expecting to encounter Jesus! Sometimes, that means a little windex and some vacuuming are in order.

If you like to be behind the scenes but make a big difference, the Clean Team is for you. Teams clean the church after second service (about 12:45 pm until around 2 pm, depending on how many help). They vacuum the church, clean and mop the bathrooms, and take out the trash. Plain and simple. Teams serve once a month and take turns covering the occasional fifth Sunday.

Current need: 4-6 people to help on the first Sunday of the month. 1-2 people to join any other Sunday team.

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June 24-27, 2024


Our offices are closed for Great Camp, our student ministries summer camp. Please email below or call and leave a voicemail at 503-581-2477 and our staff will get back to you as soon as we can.

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