Staff – Robert Beckley



Hey there! My name is Robert and if I haven’t met you yet, I’d really like to! I trusted Jesus for the first time as an incoming freshman in high school and was transformed by His Spirit over the course of my high school years. That, along with the amazing leaders and mentors I had in that season, led to my deep passion for seeing high school students learn to follow Jesus. It truly is my greatest joy. 

I have been married to my beautiful wife, Kaylee since August 2018 and we welcomed our daughter (Ellie) in August of 2020 and our son (Tucker) in November of 2022, with another on the way! Kaylee is a leader in our high school ministry and it’s the best getting to serve alongside her. 

We also get to lead the Young Adult Ministry here; it is so fun to be a part of other peoples’ lives in a season that was so important and meaningful for us. If you are a young adult, our house is always open on Thursday nights!

I probably have too many hobbies for my own good. I play disc golf, scuba dive, work with wood, drink chai, and spend time with people to name a few. I get to do a lot of those things at my job, which is a big blessing.

As the high school and young adult pastor, I get to lead our young people into truth and toward maturity while seeking to bring in those who have never known Jesus. What a great gig! My prayer is that these ministries would be honoring to our Lord, and that this would be a place for high schoolers and young adults to belong. I look forward to meeting you!

inside mstar

Explore our new magazine to see how God is moving and how you can be a part of it!

June 24-27, 2024


Our offices are closed for Great Camp, our student ministries summer camp. Please email below or call and leave a voicemail at 503-581-2477 and our staff will get back to you as soon as we can.

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