MStar Kids Summer Serve 2023

You might have heard the announcement, seen this display in the North Lobby or stumbled upon this blog post, but here we are!
Each Sunday we have a number of adults that choose to serve in Kids classrooms to show and share the love of Jesus. During the summer, our goal is to ensure each classroom is fully staffed by enlisting the extra help from some of you! Do you have a Sunday or two, or more, that you can help? There are a variety of roles we need to fill in every classroom from babies to 5th grade, to help at check-in. 
How do you sign up? Glad you asked! 
Fill out this form and we’ll get things going! 
Thanks for serving!
Louie Schmitz
Mstar Kids Director

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June 24-27, 2024


Our offices are closed for Great Camp, our student ministries summer camp. Please email below or call and leave a voicemail at 503-581-2477 and our staff will get back to you as soon as we can.

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