MStar Kids Move Up Sunday

Hey Parents!


Move Up Sunday is coming soon! Things are a little different depending on what service you attend. All this starts Sunday, June 19!

Attending the 9 am service:
– Current Kindergartners/new 1st graders will move up to Adventure Mountain in B5 (upstairs) to join our 1st-5th grade class.

Attending the 11 am service:
– Current Kindergartners/new 1st graders will move up to Adventure Mountain in B5 (upstairs) to join our 1st-3rd grade class.
– Current 3rd graders/new 4th graders will move up to Bridge 45 in C1 (outside modular) to join our 4th-5th grade class.

If you have any questions about this transition please email me! 

I would love some parents to help in classes for babies through 5th grade. There are many crucial places that are waiting to be filled with adult leaders that love Jesus and want to show kids what that’s like. Would you serve this summer? Email me at

Thank you for joining in on our mission of leading kids to pursue a Jesus-first life!

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June 24-27, 2024


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