MStar Kids – Easter 2024

Hey Parents,

Easter season is upon us! A specific time for us to practice the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us and the victory He provides through His resurrection!
Here is a link to a short family devotional you can do together each day from Palm Sunday (March 24) through Easter Sunday (March 31). I do have some printed at Kids Check-in on Sunday for you if you’d like. Please tell me how this time goes for you!
Our Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, March 30 at 10 amHere’s some more info about it. Come out and invite your neighbors!
On Easter Sunday, March 31, we will have Kids classes open for Kindergarten and younger at both services, 9 am and 11 am. Those in 1st grade and up will join with their family in main service. If desired, we will have some Activity Packs and white boards for use.
Lastly, if you’re ever in need of encouragement or parenting resources, I would love to help in any way I can. With our own small library of books, trainings and videos, I can either provide something or point you in the right direction. 
Thank you for being a part of Morning Star, and entrusting your children in our care at MStar Kids.
Happy Easter!

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