Missions Update – Ramadan

Hello Morning Star family,

Today, March 11th, is the first full day of Ramadan, a holy month for Muslims as they seek favor and forgiveness from God. As Christians, we can pray for Muslims to find Jesus as they are seeking God.
Ramadan is the month that more Muslims come to Jesus than at any other time of year! Will you join us in praying for Muslims and learning about their culture? 
Here are some helpful resources about Ramadan and how the Lord is working in the lives of Muslims around the world. 
Check out this blog post to learn more about Muslims at Ramadan: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/essential-ramadan/
Download the Ramadan Prayer Guide here:
If you want the physical Ramadan prayer guide I shared about during service on 3/3/24, we have more in stock! They will be at the mission corner in the lobby this Sunday 3/17/24, and are available today in our church offices.
For His Glory among all peoples,
Pastor Jared

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