Dave irby
Surge International
Dear Morning Star,
Our goal at Surge International is to inspire and mobilize Christian soccer players and coaches to share Christ’s love – even to the ends of the earth. My journeys have now taken me to forty- countries as we use soccer creatively to partner with churches, church planters, missionaries, Christian Schools, and even secular organizations. From taking men’s teams, women’s teams, youth teams, small groups of players and coaches to support Christian workers all over the world in their quest to share the Good News! We have been blessed to share Christ in prisons, at soccer fields, national stadiums, little jungle villages, with orphans and refugees, to top government officials, and on radio and television.
You have granted us the privilege of sharing the gospel with millions; smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain, holding hands with orphans, praying with prisoners, hugging refugees and inspiring pastors and Christian leaders to use the power of soccer to reach the unreached. No task is too small nor to big when we have faith and the clear purpose of assisting other ministries to share the Good News.
Dave & Susie Irby