Hello Morning Star Family! We want you to know about an exciting opportunity coming up soon!
Mission Connexion conference is coming January 21st (4pm to 9pm) & 22nd (9am to 9pm) to Village Church in Beaverton and it is FREE! It brings together church leaders, mission organizations and lay people for the purpose of learning, networking, and discovering opportunities to serve together. Mission ConneXion’s vision since 2001 has been to see “God’s people effectively mobilized in mission” and whose mission is to “connect local churches and individuals to mission, so that increasing numbers of believers are actively serving in areas of the world’s greatest (gospel) need and opportunity.” We’re taking a group of us from Morning Star and we would love to have you join us. There are no prior requirements to attend. If you have even a passing interest in Missions please pray about attending and email me at Jared@mstar.church so I can get us all registered by Monday January 17th.
What is Mission Connexion? It’s the premier Missions conference in the entire Northwest to learn about all aspects of Missions. We will be able to hear from missionaries in the field about what God is doing locally and all around the world. We will have the opportunity to learn about praying and care for international long term Missionaries, taking short term mission trips, understanding world religions, refugee response, how to effectively share the gospel and disciple people, preparing to serve as a missionary, business as mission, community health evangelism, apologetics, caring for international students, the persecuted church, emotional crisis care and a whole lot more. You will personally experience a fresh encounter of God’s heart for the whole world.
Why is this important? Morning Star’s Mission is to Lead People to Pursue A Jesus-First Life, so in a sense our life is a mission field. The more we are aware of what God is doing and how He wants to use us the more we will be in His will for our lives. Part of Morning Star’s Vision is that “we see a church where every person is a missionary, equipped and unafraid to live and share the Gospel around the dinner table, in the breakroom, and with neighbors at a front porch BBQ.” This conference will help us understand what God is doing and how we can be involved with what He is doing.
Who should come to Mission Connexion? Anyone who has a strong passion for missions, a faint interest in missions, an interest in what God is doing in other countries, a desire for your life to honor the Lord in your interactions with non believers, or an interest in evangelism & apologetics would benefit from this conference. Have you ever been on a mission trip or wanted to go on one and you’re interested in what God has next for you? This conference is for you too! If you believe in the mission of the church and the body of Christ to minister and care for the people of the world this is the best way to get introduced to what God is doing in Missions!