Middle School Update

Dear Student Ministries Parents, 


Happy summer to you! As I write this, the sun is literally starting to shine after what seems like months of rain and boy, am I excited for the warm weather to arrive!!! I want to take a brief moment to update you regarding our middle school ministries and our plans to address the GIGANTIC hole that Katrina leaves. 


  • We are really going to miss Katrina and her amazing gifts. She served our church incredibly well and we were more than blessed to have her on staff for 17 years!! Katrina is excellent in so many areas and she is irreplaceable. Yet we’re confident God has someone new, unique, and qualified that He will send to serve MStar middle schoolers. 
  • Our intention is to hire a Middle School Pastor to minister to our current students and to bring a renewed focus to connecting on campus at both public and private middle schools in our area. 
  • Our Middle School Pastor job description is finalized and posted on our website. You can read about it HERE. You are invited to help spread the word to interested parties. If you have any feedback regarding the job description, please email me at john@mstar.church. I’d love your input.
  • The search has already started and we have begun reaching out. We’re excited by the interest we’re beginning to see as we share our vision and commitment to reaching and disciplining middle school students. In an ideal timeframe, we will ramp up the search in earnest after camp and hope to have the new pastor hired by September 1. With that said, however, it is vital that we get the right person and we won’t compromise on this, even if it means waiting a little longer than we would like. 
  • Our middle school Intern, Tyler Mock, has graciously agreed to be our interim Middle School Director for the summer. He knows and cares deeply for your students and is doing a great job getting camp ready to go and keeping Highlife and MMS running. Pastor Rob has graciously agreed to help give Tyler some extra direction this summer, and I’m also frequently checking in to see how I can help. I have complete confidence in Tyler as he takes the lead this summer. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for your prayers as we search for our next Middle School Pastor. 


Jesus first,


Pastor John   

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Our offices are closed for Great Camp, our student ministries summer camp. Please email below or call and leave a voicemail at 503-581-2477 and our staff will get back to you as soon as we can.

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