Hey Church Family,
Happy spring everyone!!! I hope and pray that as you continue to walk with Jesus, you continue to grow in him. Our church has continued to grow both spiritually and in attendance this past winter. I’m deeply encouraged with how God is working in our church. Please be praying for the final days of our student ministries’ mission trip and for Easter weekend as we share Jesus with our community! Here is some needed information to keep you informed about how we are doing with our finances.
February Budget: $140,000
February Actual Giving: $128,539.77
Difference: -$11,460.23 (-8.19%)
Budgeted: $285,000
Actual: $244,014.58
Difference: -$40,985.42 (-14.38%)
March’s Need: $155,000
April’s Need: $165,000
COMMENTS: It is early in the year and there is plenty of time to make up for lost ground. We also recognize that many of you have been impacted by the current economic landscape. We know God is in control and are encouraged by how he continues to provide for us each and every day.
SIDING PROJECT. We are blown away by how God has provided the volunteers and materials to replace the siding on the east wall of the south auditorium. This remarkable team doesn’t want any public recognition as they faithfully serve behind the scenes of our church. Please tell them “thank you” if you know who they are, and take heart that there are many people who love their church!!!!! We are on track to having this phase completed by Easter.

WATER MAIN: Last week, our water main pipe burst leaving our building without water on Wednesday and Thursday. We’re very thankful for our facilities team that went above and beyond to quickly get water back on by Sunday for our main worship services. We strive to steward your tithes and offerings well so that funds are available when these types of things happen. Thank you for being part of the solution by being a regular giver to the ministries of Morning Star.
NEW HIRE: In case you missed it, we recently hired our New Middle School Director, Daniel Bennett. You can read about him HERE. He’s excited to meet everyone. Please introduce yourself when you see him around.
GIVING. If you would like to partner financially with Morning Star Community Church in disciple-making work and/or set up automatic giving, you can do so by clicking HERE.
THANK YOU for your prayers and generous giving, and for leading people to pursue a Jesus-first life.
In all things, Jesus first!