Life Group Leader Updates

1) Fall Kick Off Leadership Training is Sunday, September 10 at 1 pm in the Triple Room (B5)! As we continue through our process of transitioning from Community Groups to live out our church mission more clearly as Life Groups these training times are critical. It isn’t mandatory for every member of your leadership team to be here, but it is mandatory that at least one member of your leadership team be here whether it’s the Leader, Assistant Leader, or Host. Obviously the more from your team that participate the better you’ll be integrated into what we’re doing. We’ll have a Potluck Style meal to share, stories to tell and people to encourage as we Lead People to Pursue A Jesus-First life! Please be part of this.

2) Fall Cohort Sessions start Sunday, September 17 at 5 pm at my house! Dinner is included. If your group hasn’t gone through the cohort training yet, this is for you. We meet every other Sunday, our remaining sessions after this first one will be October 1 – December 10 @ 11 am in Modular C2.

3) This fall I am very excited that we have a permanent weekly lobby space (next to the Mission Wall) for people to get information about Life Groups, ask questions, and to take action by actually signing up right then and there. This is in addition to weekly announcements about joining a Life Group during the service welcome time. This consistent reminder to everyone should increase participation in our groups. If you are looking for new members this is one way they may be willing to give it a try. 

Here’s where we need your help, we need someone or a couple people to staff the area each Sunday. It would be 15-20 minutes before & after each service. Just pick whatever service you normally attend to serve in this way. It is critical that new attendees understand what they are getting into, that we are taking the step of moving beyond just a Bible study to become a family of people living out our faith. Therefore we will need this to be staffed by those who have completed the Life Groups Missional Cohort. If you didn’t finish it, but did most of it, you understand the purpose, and your group is in the process of finding your ongoing, relationship focused outreach in the Salem area that is close enough! The goal is to understand where we are going with our groups and to start that journey with us. Please let me know if you can help with talking to people already interested in joining a group!

4) No one likes paperwork, but it is that time where we need to update everyone’s background checks. Please see attached document that you’ll need to print & mail/drop off to the church offices, or bring to the Fall Kick off leader training. It’s been a couple years since we’ve updated background checks. All ministries connected to the church need to have these updated every two years, and many are right around that mark.

We also have a more standardized Leadership Application for everyone to fill out. I have incomplete applications and need to get these updated. I have heard some of your stories, but do not know how everyone came to the Lord. Sharing your story & sharing the gospel are part of these applications. As we become more missional and outreach focused in our groups we will have more opportunities to share our personal story, and share the gospel, so think of the application as a good practice for those future conversations you’ll have with people.

Thank you for being who God called you to be!

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