July Financial Update

Dear Morning Star Family,

On behalf of the entire staff, I hope you are having a wonderful summer filled with family, friends, and memory-making activities. MStar has had a summer of fruitful ministry that continues with our kids’ Sports Camp coming up next week!


Here are some financial numbers to be aware of as we head into the second half of 2022.


Budgeted: $135,000
Actual: $125,997.62
Difference: -$9,002.38 (-6.67%)


Budgeted: $865,000
Actual: $1,020,252.15
Difference: +$155,252.15 (+17.95%)


COMMENTS // We continue to be thankful for the giving windfall we experienced this past spring, and continue to closely watch trends and seek discernment as we steward the resources God has given us.


40 YEARS OF MINISTRY // On July 10 we gathered to celebrate 40 years of life-changing ministry as we took a walk down memory lane, remembering the wonderful things God has done through our fellowship over the past four decades. The celebration was filled with hope for a bright future as we continue to lead people to pursue a Jesus-first life. A special thank you to all who have financially given at any point the past four decades. You have made the ministry of Morning Star possible.


STAFFING // Morning Star is hiring! We need your prayers and help in spreading the word that we’re looking for the right people to fill two key staff positions.

  • A middle school pastor to replace the irreplaceable Katrina Kennedy, who followed the Lord’s leading to a new ministry in California. job description.
  • An executive administrative assistant to fill many roles, including helping with the new Biblical Counseling ministry we will be launching this fall. job description.


Please share this information with those who would be qualified and interested in applying!


GIVING // If you would like to partner financially with Morning Star Community Church in disciple-making work and/or set up automatic giving, you can do so by clicking HERE.


THANK YOU for your faithful prayers and generous giving. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

In all things, Jesus first!

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Our offices are closed for Great Camp, our student ministries summer camp. Please email below or call and leave a voicemail at 503-581-2477 and our staff will get back to you as soon as we can.

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